IntelliJ is a great IDE.
The following steps describes how to install and update InteliJ on linux.
1. Login to remote server
If you connect from Linux:
ssh -X user@host
Option -X allows you to open programs with grafical interface form the remote computer.
If you connect from Windows is recommended to use MobaXterm.
2. Download IntelliJ
Be on the remote machine
Find the link for the latest release from IntelliJ site and use wget to download it. Note: Make sure that you get linux version
3. Extract the files in /opt folder
sudo tar -xvf ideaIC-2017.2.5.tar.gz -C /opt
4. Create a symbolic link
sudo ln -s idea-IC-172.4343.14 idea
If you need to update the link latter, use -sfn option.
sudo ln -sfn idea-IC-172.4343.14 idea
5. Add IntelliJ bin folder to PATH enviroment variable
vi ~./profile
and to the end of the file
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/idea/bin
source ~/.profile
6. Run IntelliJ