Tsvetanov, S., Andonov, I., А Novel Algorithm for Distributed Control of Conveyor Systems, IEEE-IS’2018, 25 – 27 September, Madeira Island, Portugal.
Tsvetanov, S., Zografov, B., Dimitrova, S., Complex Workflows Implementation in Stream Data Processing, IEEE-IS’2018, 25 – 27 September, Madeira Island, Portugal.
Tsvetanov, S., Developing of a Libcloud Driver for ownCloud, TECHSYS 2016, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, 26 – 28 May 2016, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Tsvetanov, S., Doundakova, I., “Cloud Storage Integration Platform”, International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2015, September 8-10, Durres, Albania.
Tsvetanov, S., Kireva, T., “Virtual laboratory for HPC applications development on Tilera processors”, International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2015, September 8-10, Durres, Albania.
Tsvetanov, S., Ivanova, D., Zografov, B., Ant Colony Optimization applied for Multiple Sequence Alignment, BioMath2015, Blagoevgrad, June 14-18, page 90, ISSN 2367-5233
Borovska, P., Gancheva, V., Tsvetanov, Optimization and Scaling of Multiple Sequence Alignment Software ClustalW on Intel Xeon Phi, PRACE Project, White paper, 2014.
Цветанов, С., Докомес, Х., Юрукова, А., Концептуален модел за предоставяне на високопроизводителни изчислителни и информационни ресурси като услуги в ГРИД и облачни среди, Computer and Communications Engineering, брой 2, 2014, 9-16, ISSN 1314-2291
Боровска, П., Ганчева, В., Цветанов, С., „Оптимизация и изследване на паралелната производителност на софтуерен пакет за космически симулации GADGET на суперкомпютър BlueGene/P и паралелни системи с GPGPU ускорители” Списание „Автоматика и Информатика”, 2013.
Боровска, П., Докомес, Х., Ганчева, В., Цветанов, С.,Архитектура на ГРИД ресурсен брокер базиран на модел за планиране с метаданни, Computer and Communications Engineering, брой 1, 2013.
Algorithm on the Communication Performance of System Area Networks for Petascale Supercomputers”, Научен семинар по проект SuperCA++, 2011.
Цветанов, С., “Hybrid architectures for high performance parallel computing”, МИО-АБ 2011, 14 октомври 2011, София, България, 63-68, ISSN 1313-5589
М. Ценов, С. Цветанов, Решение за автоматизиране на информационни услуги в интернет, Списание “Автоматика и Информатика” бр.3/2009 г. стр. 20, ISSN 0861-7562
Tsvetanov S. ,Tsenov M. ,Trichkov K.,Open source solution for workflow execution archtecture’ Compsystech’09, 14-15 June, 2009, Rousse, Bulgaria, 2009, IIIA.14.1- IIIA.14.6 (The paper was awarded as Best Paper in Session IIIA “Application Aspects of Computer Systems and Technologies”), ISSN: 1313-8936
Tsvetanov, S., Tsenov, M., Using some motion devices for easily workflows illustration, September 18-19, Kavala, Greece, 2008, 681-685, ISBN: 978-954-580-225-3
Tsenov M., Trichkova E., Tsvetanov S., Web Services communication example using Orbeon Xforms, Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference “Informatics In The Scientific Knowledge 2008”, Varna, Bulgaria, June 26-28 2008, p.179
Tsvetanov, S., ,Tsenov M.,Adding intelligence to the service validation process’ IEEE-IS’2008, September 6-8, Varna, Bulgaria, 2008, Volume 2, 17-29/17-37, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1740-7
Tsvetanov E. ,Stoilov T., Technological solutions for integration of e-content’ e-Learning ’07 Conference, Istanbul, Tyrkey, August 28-30, 2007, 28-32, ISBN: 978-975-6437-75-9
Tsvetanov, S., Workflow execution platform interacting with Network Components over SNMP’ Comsystech’07, 14-15 June, 2007, Rousse, Bulgaria, 2007, VI.10.1-VI.10.4.1, ISBN: 978-954-9641-50-9
Tsvetanov, S., Interface for communication and some algorithms for control of a mobile robot’ International Conference Automatics and Informatics’ 06, October 3-6, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, 335-338.
Tsvetanov, S.,Getting remote access to a matlab-based robot model using thin client – Трета национална младежка научно-практическа сесия ’05, София, 2005, Статията е отличена с трета награда.