Not personally tested yet, but looks very useful and promising. Introduction ESP-WIFI-MESH | Espressif Systems Web app for testing ESP-Mesh Resources | Espressif Systems Practical example ESP32 #84: ESP-MESH MESH and ESP-MDF – YouTube Github repository GitHub – espressif/esp-mdf: Espressif
MQTT broker with secure (TLS) communication
The following lovely tutorial helped me a lot. It provides all the setting plus ESP32 client. Just wonderful. MQTT broker with secure (TLS) communication on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and an ESP32 MQTT-client | by Suru Dissanaike | himinds | Medium
Flask-SocketIO Tutorials
Simple, but very useful tutorial Easy WebSockets with Flask and Gevent – Official documentation including NGINX settings Welcome to Flask-SocketIO’s documentation! — Flask-SocketIO documentation ( Flask-SocketIO and User Session! Flask-SocketIO and the User Session –