Not personally tested yet, but looks very useful and promising. Introduction ESP-WIFI-MESH | Espressif Systems Web app for testing ESP-Mesh Resources | Espressif Systems Practical example ESP32 #84: ESP-MESH MESH and ESP-MDF – YouTube Github repository GitHub – espressif/esp-mdf: Espressif
MQTT broker with secure (TLS) communication
The following lovely tutorial helped me a lot. It provides all the setting plus ESP32 client. Just wonderful. MQTT broker with secure (TLS) communication on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and an ESP32 MQTT-client | by Suru Dissanaike | himinds | Medium
Flask-SocketIO Tutorials
Simple, but very useful tutorial Easy WebSockets with Flask and Gevent – Official documentation including NGINX settings Welcome to Flask-SocketIO’s documentation! — Flask-SocketIO documentation ( Flask-SocketIO and User Session! Flask-SocketIO and the User Session –
Google Optimization Tools
Google Optimization Tools is an open-source, fast and portable software suite for solving combinatorial optimization problems.. google/or-tools: Google’s Operations Research tools: ( Many combinatorial problems such as Vehicle routing, Bin packaging, Scheduling, Assailment, etc, can solved extremely fast. About OR-Tools |
Agent Activation Runtime High CPU Fix
This tutorial helped me to fix a common and annoying Windows problem. Fix: Service Host: Agent Activation Runtime High CPU and RAM Memory Usage – YouTube
How to fix common WordPress errors
One of my web sites was unable to load, so I decided to fix it while waiting for the response of the support. First step is to diagnose and find the problem. Open the wp-config.php file Your web hosting account
Blue techniques advices from B.B. King
Very passionate and practical advices from one of the famous blues players. See the parts 1 to 4 too. Bonus 🙂
Yet another interesting YouTube channel about applied science
Those videos are just awesome. I’d like to have an Electrical Discharge Machining and now I’m happy surprised seeing DIY one. Waterjet cutter built with a cheap pressure washer Tesla CAN bus data logging And more 🙂
Arduino Portenta H7
Arduino Portenta H7 is based on a dual-core STMicroelectronics STM32H747 microcontroller that enables the board to simultaneously run high-level code along with real-time tasks. Portenta H7 simultaneously runs high level code along with real time tasks. The design includes two processors
Solar Heating Web Site
Nice web site about using solar energy This project got me there